Hey Op-illians!
Ashlyne Huff here! I just finished Street Week for my new album Let It Out and while I'm tired, it was so worth it! I was already in the third week of touring with NKOTBSB (New Kids and Backstreet Boys) when we left for NYC to visit MTV's The Seven and MTV Radio, Billboard for a little unplugged performance, and the MLB FanCave (which put any man cave I've seen to shame) for another performance! And that was just one day! Next, I visited Peridance Capezio Center to teach a class/audition to my Whatever choreography. I forgot how much I missed teaching classes! I used to teach every summer before I got out of college and they were some of the best experiences in my life. Peridance was no exception. The girls and boys were confident and determined and it paid off!

The next morning we had a 3:45 AM lobby call, which means we LEAVE the hotel that early (BRUTAL). Our flight landed in Atlanta, Georgia and we were fighting the clock to get to the Anderson Merchandisers Distribution Center for a performance and a tour of how CDs are actually made and packaged! I will say, it's a complicated process AND I got to ride on the conveyer belt! Haha! Then, we drove to Alpharetta for a Walmart in-store! I definitely heard some of my fellow southern accents! It was great!
Another early lobby call later, we were off to LA to film Extra! at the Grove with Mario Lopez...I LOVED him on Saved By The Bell when I was younger. He was so normal and sweet! And as soon as we wrapped, I jumped in another car to A Place Called Home where I got to teach the girls and boys the Whatever dance! Again, GREAT dancers and we all had so much fun. I've decided I want to visit dance schools a lot based off this week! Instead of lobby call, this time we headed to the airport right after we finished at APCH and flew overnight to Sacramento! (when do I sleep? who knows!)

Now, it's back to tour in New Jersey!! I'll catch up with you next week! Have a great one! OP for life!
Love, Ashlyne